This is the number 1 tool for almost all graphic designers. It is essential for image manipulation, photo retouching, resizing, montaging and to add that extra WOW factor to your designs.
Photoshop started as a tool purely and simply to save images from one file type to another, it has since evolved to include layers, effects, filters and is now at the point that you can create 3D and animation.
Below I have included some of my most complex photoshop designs, where multiple images and effects were used to create the final outcome.
Expanding the Brand
It’s important to use photography to compliment web and print design, here is a video from a recent talk on branding where David explains the best way to use stock photography, and how to manipulate it to be original and unique to your brand using Photoshop
Top Gear USA Visual
This was a mixture of around 20 photographs shot on location, or in the studio. Each picture was from a slightly different angle with different lighting, and so the challenge was to bring it all together using layers and effects. The use of explosions and global colour washes, lighting and image treatments can create a “level playing field” and neutralise the contrast of the individual photographs.

Mem’s Script Search
The challenge here was to make the actor’s face appear to be made from all the scraps of scripted text, a bit like layers of paper mache. I used the brush tool to erase torn edges, and then used liquify and free transform to manipulate the text over the contours of the face by eye. Use of global effects and fake brushed shadows and highlights help to merge the image together as one. You can click on the image to see a further breakdown of the process visually.

MTV Student of the Year
After designing the logo I used Photoshop’s powerful effect controls to add bevel, lighting, shine, gradient and texture to create this gold bar effect. The background also uses several layers with varying transparency, to add depth and excitement.

Weider Print Ad
A simple montage of just 2 images, the product shot was taken in the kitchen with a simple digital camera, I added frost from the freezer section of the fridge to give real ice and droplets to the image. I then merged this to an existing photo I found on the internet of an ice cave. Feel free to click through to see the original source images.

Judy Mooch CD
I took a couple of free newspapers from London and began to ear them up into interesting shapes. This time I used a scanner to get individual random layers of newspaper. I used brightness and contrast techniques to bring the letters out, I inverted some to be negative, then played around with the layers to create a new mashed up newspaper montage effect.