All websites have their lifespan, as newer styles come more into fashion you will find that the original look of your site from 5 years ago might need a rethink, a freshen up and modernising.
Over the years I have redesigned many sites, and the result has always been an upturn in business as a result. The right design will lead to greater stickabilty and conversion rates of your visitors to sales. Not to mention the increase in content and SEO that can be implemented at the same time to boost page rank.
Below I have included a before example of a site I have redesigned, most of which have included a personal client testimonial to voice the success of the new design.
TeeOffTimes BEFORE Website Redesign

TeeoffTimes AFTER Website Redesign

Biorelevant BEFORE Website Redesign

Biorelevant AFTER Website Redesign

Essential rules to follow with all website redesign.
- Make sure the page structure and content is not changed too much IF the website is already ranking highly in Google. If possible keep page URLs the same and use 301 redirects on any page content that is moved or has been deleted
- Keep the visual language and feel of the site familiar to its users, a complete redesign of colour and visual identity can have a negative effect on its user base. Logos and colour signatures are vital for the identity of the site within its industry
- Avoid moving familiar links to new positions (unless you have a really good reason to do so) your users will instinctively move to the same areas as the old site to find the content they need.
- Include a search function, which also must be well designed, clear with plenty of white space for the user to find content that they might miss on the new design.
- Images speak louder than words. If you can emphasise features and messages with large clear images or icons you will create a richer experience for the customer.